Music Videos

Welcome to the Reality music videos. Many thanks to ‘THE INFRACTIONS’, without whom these videos would not be possible! The Infractions are:  Jon Byron (lead guitar); Henry Curiel (keyboards); Tony Li & Jessie (drums); Jared Rigby (bass); Jiaqi (bass and studio work); and Steve Howrie (vocals and rhythm guitar).

Connected to You

We are all connected in one way or another. If nothing else, we are all members of the human race; but we have many other connections through family, work and other relationships So this song is about the connections we have with each other during this life on planet Earth.

Don’t Forget Me

The French term, ‘Le Petite Mort’ (The little death) orginally meant a brief loss of consciousness. I believe that when we sleep (and also when we die), we gain a greater awareness of ourselves, not less.

Father & Son

This song tells the story of a boy talking to his father about the way he really feels about their relationship. 

In a Crowd

During the Covid-19 outbreak in China (where I live), we were told not to go out ‘in a crowd’. I happened to have written a song with that title, so I adapted the words for that situation. A video was made and shown on CCTV4 in China, using my song (and others).

It’s a Dangerous World

For many on planet, it really is a very dangerous world. The song and video focus on the treatment of farm animals, horses and foxes. It is not easy viewing, but I believe we should all know exactly how animals are abused on this Earth.

Language of Love

Living in China, I have known many situations (including my own) where there is a mixed-race couple. When you cannot communicate easily in the same language, it can be very difficult. But the Language of Love usually gets couples through it.

Look the Other Way

We are in the midst of an environmental nightmare. There are more and more young people (and others) rising up against the way our governments are allowing and causing the destruction of our environment. Whether or not we survive this, depends on how much we Care.

Out in the Forest

I have always loved the feeling of being in the middle of a forest, away from city life and the daily grind. It was walking through a small, forested areas in Suzhou and Shanghai that gave me the ideas for this song. 

Over the Ocean

My wife, Wendy, is very well read (more than me!) and introduced me to the works of Italo Calvino, amongst others. I love his book ‘The Complete Cosmicomics’ (he really makes the Universe come alive) – and I wrote this song based on Calvino’s amazing work.


I began songwriting in Edinburgh, Scotland, when I was a student at the University. At the end of each term, I always took the 7:35am train back to my home town (Leicester, England). During the journey, I often reflected on my life in Edinburgh, and these thoughts gave rise to the song.

Softest Side of Me

This is a video of one of the very first songs I wrote as a student. It’s based on relationships with a couple of girlfriends in Scotland (who shall always be nameless!)

Spirit of Scotland

One day, when I was standing a bus stop in Edinburgh, late one night, a melody came into my head. A few years later, I had an idea for the song lyric, and this became The Spirit of Scotland. If Scotland every becomes an independent country, I think this could be a good national anthem!!!

Thought-Track Writer

After reading books by Dorothy Fosbrooke, Bill Dawson and Keith Edmunds, I realised beyond reasonable doubt that we do not make our own thoughts! Instead, they are made, or ‘written’, by our higher selves, and we receive them on a track of thought.

Time and Space

There are a lot of people who believe in Reincarnation, though they are still in a very small minority. However, through my own life experiences and what I have read, I have no doubt that I have lived many lives on Earth in past ages.

When You are Down

I loved the experience of being a student at Edinburgh University. But my second year was a bit of a nightmare! My girlfriend left me, and then I failed all my exams! I felt as low as low can be. But then I had a thought: I was at my lowest ebb, so now the only way was up! This thought prompted me to write this song.

You are a Spy

During the time I worked for the Orissor Trust, we greeted each other with: ‘You are as I’ each morning. It was a sort of affirmation of the fact that we thought the same way, lived the same way. I wanted to write a Spy theme song, so I rhymed You are as I with You are a Spy… hence the song!

Standing on the Side of Love

I read about a movement called ‘Standing on the side of love’ , which gave me the idea for this song. As many other people have said (notably, The Beatles), we really do need more love in the World at this time. Hope you like the song (and the video).

Over the Ocean (feat Liliia Kysil)

A new version of the video, featuring  wonderful  vocals by Ukranian singer Liliia Kysil.