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Author, Songwriter, Free-thinker, Educator. 

Music Videos

With Reality tracks

Dorothy Fosbrooke

And Orissor

Published Books

Books by Steve Howrie


Reality Songs

Alien Blogger

The diary of a
down-to-earth alien

Short Stories

And Other Fiction


Books & Articles

Open your Mind

Expand your Understanding

Look with New Vision

Who is Steve Howrie?

Steve Howrie is a doctor of education, a master of mathematics, a teacher, a self-published writer, a songwriter and music video creator.  He was born in Leicester, England, and studied at the Universities of Edinburgh, Leeds and King’s College London. It was whilst studying Astrophysics in London that his life changed. During his last lecture in Cosmology, the professor promised the students he would tell them exactly what caused the Big Bang. It was generally understood how much energy was released during the event, as well as other physical attributes. What was unknown was why this happened, what phenomenon had initiated the Big Bang?

The professor summarised his semester-long course, then fixed his gaze firmly on the students. “Now, as promised, I’m going to tell you exactly what caused the Big Bang, and what happened immediately afterwards.” Steve and the other students listened attentively, anticipating the great revelation that awaited them. For dramatic effect, the professor paused, looked around the room, nodding his head knowingly, and then he spoke.

“God started the Big Bang,” the professor stated matter-of-factly, “and then walked away.” And with a smile, the Cosmology professor picked up his notes and left the room, leaving behind a group of stunned, but bemused, astrophysics students.

This experience propelled Steve into a search for alternative answers to the mysteries of the Universe. He was more desperate than ever to understand how and why the universe was created, and now he knew the answers did not lie in Cosmology. Abandoning science and traditional religions (which were now well enough known to him), he explored alternative theories about the Universe and our place in it. He attended meetings of various fringe groups and societies, but none seemed any wiser than the Cosmology professor. Then one day, some friends told him about an exhibition at the Olympia Exhibition Centre in West London. It was called the Festival of Mind, Body and Spirit, and sounded like the place he should go to find the answers he craved. Some of his friends had already visited the exhibition and came back with some free books; and always keen to learn something new, Steve borrowed one of the books and began to read. Unbelievably, this was exactly what he had been searching for!

The next day, he visited the Exhibition and obtained one of those paperback books. It had all the answers he wanted, and much more. He contacted the authors, who told him about a group of people in London who had read the same books, and he could join their group and learn with them, if he cared to.

Subsequently, after joining the London group for a couple of months, Steve went to live and work in North Wales (and later Scotland) with the authors of the books – Bill Dawson and Dorothy Fosbrooke. He worked with others who had read the same publications and wanted to learn more, and many of them eventually became teachers of these new ideas. He spent the next 28 years of his life teaching and promoting the Orissor Trust, the non-profit organization Bill and Dorothy had set up with ex-New York cop Frank Serpico to propagate the ideas of Orissor.

Today, Steve lives in China with his wife Wendy. He left the Trust several years after Dorothy died, and took up various teaching positions in Shanghai and Suzhou. Now, he spends most of his time writing, teaching, and working on music. He  is currently a member of the Suzhou Writers Workshop.

Once you know, without doubt, what this life is all about – you can never go back. And what’s more, you naturally want to share this knowledge, this understanding with others – but with Care.

Everyone must have Free Choice to be the way they wish to be in life. That is at the cornerstone of Steve’s beliefs and ambitions. We hope you find this website interesting, inspiring and educational. And don’t miss the Talking Horses!